It's Pomucross!
A nonogram game dedicated to the strongest fairy, Pomu Rainpuff! These 20 puzzles are all about her, made from her iconography, favourite hobbies, and greatest moments. Remember all the great times with Pomu as you solve these puzzles. Only Pomu is allowed to play this game, and remember that we're all Pomu!
How to Play:
- Numbers on the side of the grid inform how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in that row/column.
- There must be at least one blank space between each unbroken line of filled squares in the same row/column
- Fill squares with left click, cross out squares with a right click, and leave a marker on squares with a middle click
- Fill all the proper squares to reveal the full-coloured pixel art!
- All puzzles are solvable without guessing
- Project Lead: The Holy Wooomy with 69 Nuggets of Toasted Chaos
- Programming: multi arm
- Sprite Artists:
- UI Assets: A.Cat
- General Assistant: Kyzo
Pomucross.zip 55 MB
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i couldn't get it to play in an appropiate size, neither in my computer or here online. Do you know if it could be my screen that doesn't allow for the game to appear correctly? Since the interface appears too big, I can't click any buttons on the game.